Friday, December 10, 2010

Bobby Knight + Golf = Profanity Squared

Okay, to get you in the mood for tomorrow's showdown with the Hoosiers, I thought you might get a kick out of this old footage of former Indiana Coach Bobby Knight.

It should be obvious, but the language in this video is highly fact, that's the whole point. (So before you click, make sure the kids aren't nearby.)

Of course, the video's been around forever, but it never fails to gives me big, deep belly laugh to hear Bobby cursing away in all of his highly creative, extremely ill-tempered, four-letter glory. Coach Knight is known for many things, and I would submit that profanity is perhaps chief amongst them.

Now, I really do try to keep things clean around here, but anybody who's ever played a round of golf knows just how frustrating the game can be. And let's just say that Bobby gets a little more frustrated than most with the little white ball.

So without any further ado....ladies and gentlemen....the vocal stylings of General Robert Montgomery Knight....enjoy....

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