Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Heaven Reports: Keightley Sneezed During Calathes' FT Attempt

Basking in the afterglow today....

  • I still cannot overstate the importance of Big Pat to any real chances of UK making a deep run this year. So suffice it to say that all of my minty fresh breath is being held until I see him at 100% on that ankle. The video replay of that sucker turning looked pretty bad, and obviously the initial shot of pain must have been quite intense based upon his reaction. Patrick: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.
  • Speaking of video replays, I totally and completely missed the "stomping" incident during live action and even the first time or two that it was slow-moed by the four-letter-network production team, looking to confirm whether it was a 3-point attempt. Pretty darn good job by the officiating crew there, IMHO. Kudos to Perry for maintaining his composure and basically both teams for keeping their heads on that one. Oftentimes one of those confrontations leads to further ugliness. Kind of a (rhymes with witch) move by Hodge to try and get away with that in the first place.
  • Coach Gillispie once again absolutely nailed that halftime mini-interview, didn't he? Can you tell how much he looks forward to those little dialogues? Jeez. No further comment.
  • Excellent Cameron Mills impersonation by Mike Porter last night. Can you imagine if he became a legitimate threat from long range? Oh my goodness, I just got tiny goose bumps even thinking about it. We've been hearing that he spent so much time in the summer working on that shot, it was great to see him step up with some confidence and act like he really wanted to pull the trigger and expected them to go in.
  • I heard Jimmy Dykes proposed marriage to Nick Calathes' facial expression. What the heck was that all about?
  • Kevin Galloway gets the Blue Grass Chemical Player of the Game Award for his 6 points, 8 boards, 9 assists, (one horrible foul). Kevin gets three used sample pipettes and a cracked Erlenmeyer flask sent to his room at Wildcat Lodge. Congratulations, Kevin!

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